Quick Start

TANNER, a remote data analysis and classification service, to evaluate HTTP requests and composing the response then served by SNARE.

Basic concept

  • Evaluating SNARE events.
  • Serve dorks.
  • Adopt and change the responses.

Setup Redis

  1. Install the Redis: sudo apt-get install redis-server
  2. Start it on localhost with default port: redis-server

Setup PHP Sanbox

  1. For PHP Sandbox setup, see sandbox manual
  2. In PHP Sandbox directory, run sandbox: sudo python3 sandbox.py

Setup and run TANNER

  1. Get TANNER: git clone https://github.com/mushorg/tanner.git
  2. Go to the tanner source directory cd tanner
  3. Install requirements: sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install tanner sudo python3 setup.py install
  5. Run TANNER: sudo tanner

Run Tanner Api

  1. Run sudo tannerapi

Run Tanner WebUI

  1. Run sudo tannerweb

Docker build instructions

  1. Change current directory to tanner/docker
  2. docker-compose build
  3. docker-compose up

Note: Running docker with default docker-compose.yml setting will start tanner, tannerapi, tannerweb, tanner redis, tannerphpox but only tanner and tannerweb will be accesible from the outside network.

More information about running docker-compose can be found here.