Tanner API

Tanner api provides various stats related to traffic captured by snare. It can be accessed at locahost:8092/?key=API_KEY.

where, API_KEY is a JWT-token created by a particular tanner-api, which can be found during tanner-api startup:

API_KEY for full access: 'API_KEY'

How to create an API_KEY with desired signature?

  • By default tanner’s API_KEYs use the signature: ‘tanner_api_auth’
  • This signature is veryfied on all the API requests.
  • It is highly recommended that every tanner-owner set their own signature.
  • This can be done by modifying tanner.config[‘API’][‘auth_signature’] to the desired one.


This is the index page which shows tanner api.


This shows all the snares’ uuid.


Replace <snare-uuid> with a valid snare-uuid and it will show all the sessions related to that snare-uuid and their details.


Replace <snare-uuid> with a valid snare-uuid and it will show some stats.

  • No of sessions in the sanre
  • Total duration for which snare remains active
  • Attack frequency, which shows no of sessions which face different attacks.


This shows all the sessions’ uuid which follow the filters. Filters are sepatated by white-space and name-value pair are separated by :. E.g ?filters=filter1:value1 filter2:value2.

It supports 5 filters:

  • peer_ip – Sessions with given ip. E.g ``peer_ip: ``
  • user-agent – Sessions with given user-agent. E.g user-agent:Chrome
  • attack_types – Sessions with given attack type such as lfi, rfi, xss, cmd_exec, sqli. E.g attack_types:lfi
  • possible_owners – Sessions with given owner type such as user, tool, crawler, attacker. E.g possible_owners:attacker
  • start_time – Sessions which started after start_time. E.g start_time:1480560
  • end_time – Sessions which ended before end_time. E.g end_time:1480560

Multiple filters can be applied as peer_ip: start_time:1480560 possible_owners:attacker


It gives all information about the session with given uuid.

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